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Train from Ollantaytambo to Aguas Calientes, Cuzco, Peru

The train to Machu Picchu is taken at Ollantaytambo station, in the Sacred Valley of the Incas, which is almost 2 hours from Cusco.

Queuing to get on the train
Seats are reserved in advance, so we have to enter the carriage where our seat is located.

Inside the train
The carriages have large windows, they even have windows on the roof, so we can enjoy the landscape.

The train route runs along the Urubamba River

Mount Huayanay
On the left side of the carriage, we can see the snow-capped peaks of Mount Huayanay in the distance.

  • Huayanay (Quechua for swallow) is a mountain and a massif in the Vilcabamba mountain range in the Andes of Peru, about 5,464 m (17,927 ft) high.
  • See more at Mount Huayanay - Wikipedia.

See also

