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Cathedral, Cuzco, Peru

The Cathedral of Cusco or Cathedral Basilica of the Virgin of the Assumption is the main temple of the city of Cusco, Peru.

The Cathedral Basilica of Cusco, together with the Triunfo temple make up the Cathedral Complex, it is located in the northeast sector of the current Plaza de Armas of Cusco.

In the place that, during the Inca period, was occupied by both the Suntor Wassi (lit. "Government House") and the Kisoarkancha or Palace of the eighth Inca Wiracocha.

Cuzco Cathedral seen from the south
The Incas built the temple known as Kiswarkancha on the main square in Cusco. It was the Inca palace of Wiracocha, ruler of the Kingdom of Cusco around a century before the Spanish colonists arrived.

  • Near to the Kiswarkancha was the Suntur Wasi, an armoury and heraldry centre for the Inca royalty.
  • When the Spanish conquistadores arrived in Cuzco, they decided to take down the temple and build their Christian cathedral in that prominent site.

Cuzco Cathedral seen from the east
The Gothic-Renaissance style of the cathedral reflects that of Spain during the period of the Spanish conquest of South America and also Cusco.

Panorama of the facade of the Church of Triumph
The Church of Triumph (Iglesia del Triunfo) was built in 1538, just three years after the conquistadores settled in Cusco.

  • It was built over Suntur Wasi, which was an Inca ceremonial building adjoining the palace of Wiracocha, in a similar way to the way that the cathedral is now adjoined to the earlier Church of Triumph.
  • The name of the Church of Triumph derives from the history of the Spanish settlers in Cusco. At one point, presumably between 1533, and 1536, the Spanish were cornered by a besieging army of Incas, led by Manko Inka. The final stand for the Spanish was in the Suntur Wasi, before its demolition, and just as it seemed that they were on the verge of defeat, the Spanish miraculously managed to drive back the Incas. The Catholic conquistadores attributed this victory to Saint James the Greater (the patron saint of Spain), who was reported at the time to descend from heaven to drive back the Incas. This is why the church is called the Church of Triumph, and also why there is a statue of St. James atop a horse within the Church, depicting him slaying an Inca.

Facade of the Holy Family Church
The Temple of the Holy Family (Templo de la Sagrada Familia) also called Templo de Jesús, María y José, is a Renaissance church located in the city of Cusco. This building was designed by Francisco Becerra.

  • On September 13, 1723, the first stone was placed to begin the construction of the Templo de la Sagrada Familia by order of Bishop Gabriel de Arregui following the design of Francisco Becerra. After the death of the architect in charge of the work, it was re-started in 1733 and was completed on September 3, 1735.
  • See more at Templo de la Sagrada Familia, Cusco - Wikipedia.

See also

