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Rio Grande, Ica, Peru

Río Grande is a river in Peru, one of the four that, from north to south, descend in parallel and make up the water network of the department of Ica.

The hydrographic system of the Río Grande is fed by seasonal rainfall from the upper part of the basin, which is why it carries water intermittently between the months of January and April.

Rio Grande
The Río Grande rises in the Peruvian Western Cordillera at an altitude of about 4300 m, 330 km southeast of the country's capital Lima.

  • It initially flows 20 km west-northwest and then 10 km west through the mountains.
  • The town of Querco is located at river kilometer 135 above the right bank of the river. The Río Grande now turns towards south-southwest.
  • At river kilometer 64 the community of Río Grande is not far from the left bank of the river.
  • Over the next few kilometers the Río Grande takes in the tributaries Río Palpa and Río Vizcas from the left.
  • About 47 kilometers above the mouth the Río Nazca also meets the Río Grande from the left.
  • The Río Grande then flows through the desert-like arid coastal region of Peru and finally flows into the Pacific Ocean.
  • Irrigated agriculture is mainly practiced along the middle reaches of the Río Grande. In the lower reaches, the river carries very little water.

See also

