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Metropolitan Cathedral, Lima, Peru

The Basilica Metropolitan Cathedral of Lima and Primate of Peru, otherwise Lima Metropolitan Cathedral, is a Roman Catholic cathedral located in the Plaza Mayor of downtown Lima, Peru.

This third and current Cathedral of Lima was built between 1602 and 1797. It is dedicated to St. John, Apostle and Evangelist.

The Cathedral of Lima was built on the site of the Inca shrine of the Puma Inti and the palace of the Cuscoan prince Sinchi Puma, a direct descendant of the Inca Sinchi Roca.

Central portal of the cathedral
The façade of the Cathedral of Lima is in the Renaissance style with Plateresque decorations. Its tall towers with slate spires are Neoclassical with stylistic influences from El Escorial School and Northern Europe.

  • It has three doors, as in most cathedrals. The main one (the one in the center) is called Puerta del Perdón, the right side is called Puerta de la Epístola and the left side is called Puerta del Evangelio.
  • On the main façade you can see statues of the Apostles, and in the central niche, the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
  • Currently, in the upper part you can see the coat of arms of Peru.

Cathedral interior
The Cathedral of Lima shows several styles, from late Gothic, Renaissance to Baroque and Plateresque, due to the date of the start of construction, the architectural style is Renaissance.

  • The Cathedral of Lima has three naves and two additional naves where the side chapels open. It has a rectangular hall plan, emulating the Cathedral of Seville.
  • The ceiling is supported by Gothic ribbed vaults that recreate a starry sky, which are made of wood and stucco to relieve the weight on the walls and prevent them from collapsing in the event of an earthquake.

Crypt of Francisco Pizarro
In the right nave, starting from the entrance, is first the crypt of Francisco Pizarro, completely covered with mosaics alluding to the Conquest.

  • In the sarcophagus it is seen that the head is separated from the body, possibly detached by multiple manipulations to which its remains were exposed.
  • The original body was discovered in the early 20th century.
  • See more at Francisco Pizarro - Wikipedia.

Chapel of San Juan Bautista
The Chapel of San Juan Bautista, whose altarpiece presents polychrome reliefs alluding to the life of the saint.

  • This chapel is dominated by a large crucifix, one of the oldest in the cathedral.
  • Its altarpiece was made by the famous Sevillian sculptor Juan Martínez Montañés, and brought to the New World by ship for several years.
  • It is considered among the best altarpieces of the cathedral building, although it originally belonged to the Church of la Limpia Concepción in Abancay Avenue.
  • See more at John the Baptist - Wikipedia.

Chapel of la Virgen de la Candelaria
Next is the Chapel of the Virgen de la Candelaria, whose altarpiece is a masterful work of the priest Spaniard Matías Maestro.

Chapel of Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo
The Chapel of Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo, second Archbishop of Lima and Patron of the Latin American episcopate, whose remains are preserved in the Cathedral (a reliquary with his relics can be seen on this altar).

Chapel of San Juan Evangelista
The Chapel of San Juan Evangelista (formerly Chapel of Santa Ana) has, on the left wall, the tomb of Nicolás de Ribera the Elder, the first mayor of Lima.

  • Its altarpiece is one of the most beautiful in this cathedral, its style is Baroque-Neoclassical transition.
  • See more at John the Evangelist - Wikipedia.

Main altar
Formerly the choir was located in front of the main altar (a position similar to that of the Cathedral of Mexico City).

  • On the back of the Cathedra (which is located in the left stalls, under a canopy) is the figure of the Redeemer.
  • The main altarpiece, in Neoclassical style, is presided over by an Immaculate Conception.

Chapel of la Inmaculada Concepción
The impressive Chapel of la Inmaculada Concepción is one of the few chapels that retains its primitive Baroque altar, since many have Neoclassical altars, after the reforms made by the Presbyter Matías Maestro, he respected this one for being so beautiful.

  • The altar is dominated by the image of Our Lady of la Evangelización, a 16th-century wood carving sent by Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor. It is one of the first images of the Virgin to reach the New World.
  • In her right hand she holds the Golden Rose, a papal decoration conferred by John Paul II in 1988 on his second visit to Peru and which has very few Marian devotions.
  • In the altarpiece there are also figures of a Nativity that according to tradition was the first in the city of Lima, commissioned by the daughter of Francisco Pizarro.
  • The walls are beautifull azulejos, found after a restoration.
  • See more at Immaculate Conception - Wikipedia.

Chapel of the Peruvian Saints
The Chapel of the Peruvian Saints is presided over by the image of Saint Rose of Lima, the first saint in the Americas, together with those of Saint Martin de Porres, Saint John Macias and Saint Francisco Solano, Peruvian saints.

Chapel of la Antigua (Los Reyes)
The Chapel of la Antigua is located in the retrochoir and was under the patronage of the University of San Marcos. In the past, students received their academic degrees there.

  • The altarpiece housed in this chapel, in Neoclassical style made in 1799, is attributed to the Spaniard Matías Maestro and is presided over by an image of the Our Lady of la Antigua (from the mid-16th century), Patron Saint of the university since 1627, is a true copy of the Virgin of Los Remedios of Seville, and two wooden statues stand out, of Saint Mark and Saint Thomas Aquinas, coming from the old Chapel of the university in the current Plaza Bolívar.
  • The columns of the altarpiece are painted with different colors, each symbolizing the original faculties of the university.
  • See more at National University of San Marcos - Wikipedia.

Chapel of San José
Finally, the last chapel is dedicated to Saint Joseph, with polychrome reliefs on the altarpiece alluding to his life.

  • Some reliefs of the life of the Virgin are also exhibited in this area of the nave.
  • The sculptural group of the Holy Family that presides over the altar is due to the sculptor Pedro Muñoz de Alvarado.
  • See more at Saint Joseph - Wikipedia.

See also

