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Pachamanca Ritual, Nazca, Ica, Peru

In the Inca Empire, the meaning of pachamanca was a ritual offering to Pachamama (Mother Earth) to guarantee the fertility of the land and the regeneration of life.

Traditionally, it is held at harvest time, when families choose the best products to thank the earth and the cosmos for providing them with food.

Before being consumed, food must return to the land where it was generated.

Entering the Wasipunko Ecolodge where the ritual will take place.

Hole in the ground
The pachamanca begins by making a hole in the ground where the fire will be lit and the stones are carefully placed in the shape of a dome to heat them.

  • When the stones are hot, the food is placed on top.

Mound of earth with cross on top
First come the tubers (sweet potatoes, potatoes, cassava and cassava) which take longer to cook; Then come the meat, which can be chicken, beef, lamb, pork or guinea pig.

  • This first layer of food is covered with grass or banana leaves and the rest of the ingredients are placed on top: corn, beans and sometimes sweet corn humitas.
  • It is then covered with more seasoning, with more grass or leaves, with thick blankets and, finally, with a mound of earth to concentrate the heat. Food can be left for one hour to two or four hours.

The master of ceremonies offers coca leaves

The two godparents at the ceremony also offer coca leaves

The master of ceremonies offers chicha

The two godparents also offer chicha

The master of ceremonies and the two godparents drink chicha.

The godmother of the ceremony removes the cross from the top of the pile of earth.

The godfather of the ceremony removes soil from the top of the pile of earth.

The master of ceremonies removes all the earth from the pile of earth.

The master of ceremonies removes the covering that protects the food.

The first layer of vegetables is removed into baskets

The second layer of vegetables is covered with palm leaves

The second layer of vegetables is removed into baskets

A package is removed from the hole

The meat is the last thing to be removed from the hole

The godmother of the ceremony welcomes the guests with the cross and the food displayed.

The holy meal is enjoyed

See also

