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Showing posts from August, 2024

Vichama, Lima, Peru

Vichama is an archaeological site on the central coast of Peru, located on the right bank of the Huaura River in the district of Végueta, province of Huaura, department of Lima. Located close to the coastline, at 75 m (246 ft) above sea level and with a total area of 1.36 km2 (136 ha), it includes several monumental structures, the most notable of which are those from the Early Formative period (1800-1200 BCE). Its research and conservation has been carried out since 2007 by the Caral-Supe Special Archaeological Project, now the Caral Archaeological Zone, directed by archaeologist Ruth Shady Solís. Entrance to Vichama Modeling the sculptures of the Vichama civilization