The Immaculate Conception Cathedral, also St. Mary's Cathedral, often known as Urakami Cathedral (Japanese: Urakami Tenshudō) after its location Urakami, is a Roman Catholic cathedral located in Motoomachi, Nagasaki, Japan.
The atomic bomb that fell on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945, detonated in Urakami only 500 m (1640 ft) from the cathedral, completely destroying it. As the Feast of the Assumption of Mary (August 15) was near, Mass was held on the day and was well attended. The resultant collapse and heat-wave cindered and buried all those present in the cathedral.
Walking towards the cathedral. |
Urakami Cathedral.
Ruins of the cathedral destroyed by the atomic bomb. |
North Bell Tower of Urakami Cathedral. |
Urakami Bombed Mary Statue.
See also