Arita (Arita-chō) is a town located in Nishimatsuura District, Saga
Prefecture, Japan. It is known for producing Arita porcelain, one of the
traditional handicrafts of Japan. It also holds the largest ceramic fair in
Western Japan, the Arita Ceramic Fair. This event is held from April 29 to May
5 (Golden Week) every year and has thousands of stores and stalls lining the
six-kilometre long main street.
Arita town.
Arita was one of the first sites in Japan to produce porcelain, Arita
ware. The discovery of porcelain stone is attributed to a Korean potter
named Kanagae Sambe, although most historians consider this a legend.
The Kyushu Ceramic Museum houses large exhibits of old and modern
style ceramics.
The Porcelain Park is a ceramic centered theme park, and is modeled on
the Zwinger Palace in Germany. Ceramic ware from the heyday of Arita
are on display in the gallery.
Tozan Shrine has a porcelain archway and other items of porcelain
which, at other shrines, are usually made of stone. This shrine was
and still is particularly revered by Arita's ceramists.
See also