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Wolleka (Falasha Village)

Around 3km north of Gondar, several craft stalls with ‘Stars of David’ and ‘Falasha Village’ signs signal what’s really the former Falasha village of Wolleka. Once home to a thriving population of Falashas (Ethiopian Jews), most were airlifted to Israel in the 1980s and today none remain. There are a few original houses with interesting artwork on their fronts and the small synagogue.

After the adoption of Christianity as the state religion, Falashas had their land confiscated for refusing to convert. To survive, many became skilled craftspeople. Research suggests Falashas may have provided the labour for the construction and decoration of Gondar’s castles. Sadly, the pottery for which they were once famous has mostly degenerated into half-hearted art, though the figurine trinkets do make cool souvenirs.

Source: Wolleka (Falasha Village) -