The Monastery of St. Nakuto Lab is 6.3km south of Lalibela and is from the time of the Zagwe dynasty (10th-13th century). The sanctuary is built inside a large basalt cave. Monks and nuns live inside huts and small cells on dry stones that completely close the cave. The precinct comprises three doors and some wooden windows.
According to tradition, the church was built inside the cave by the last Zagwe king, Nakuto Lab, a mythical character who would never have died but disappeared. He is expected to return because, according to the belief, he will return one day to lead his people again. Inside, a number of stones pierced by the holy water that drips from the roof of the cave can be discovered. Pilgrims come here to drink this water, in the morning on an empty stomach, to be cured of their diseases.
Source: Découverte Ethiopie - Guides Olizane