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House of the Saviour of the World

The Biete Medhane Alem or Biet Medani Alem, literally "The House of the Savior of the World", is an Ethiopian Orthodox church located in Lalibela, Amhara, Ethiopia.

With 34 m long, 24 m wide and 11 m high, the House of the Saviour of the World is the tallest and largest of the Lalibela site. With its five naves, a unique feature in Ethiopia, it is also considered the largest monolithic church in the world. It is presented as a reproduction of the Church of Sainte-Marie-de-Sion, a former cathedral of Axum, destroyed in 1535 by the armies of the invader Ahmed Ibn Ibrahim Al-Ghazi. 

Monolithic, completely unobstructed, surrounded by an imposing colonnade of 34 rectangular pillars, the church is covered with a carved gable roof. The interior is accessed through three doors opening respectively to the west, north and south, as prescribed by Christian ritual. The ground plan is of basilica type, oriented east-west and divided into eight bays planted with twenty-eight pillars rising towards the semicircular arches of the ceiling. It is devoid of paintings. It is now protected by a suspended roof.

Source: Bete Medhane Alem - Wikipédia