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Showing posts from June, 2023

Japan Religions Tour

Religion in Japan is manifested primarily in Shinto and in Buddhism, the two main faiths, which Japanese people often practice simultaneously. Syncretic combinations of both, known generally as shinbutsu-shugo , are common; they represented Japan's dominant religion before the rise of State Shinto in the 19th century. The Japanese concept of religion differs significantly from that of Western culture. Spirituality and worship are highly eclectic; rites and practices, often associated with well-being and worldly benefits, are of primary concern, while doctrines and beliefs garner minor attention. In 2015 (out of a total population of 127 million), the Agency for Cultural Affairs counted: 90 million Shintoists (over 70% of the population); 89 million Buddhists (almost 70% of the population); 2 million Christians (less than 2% of the population); 9 million Japanese practicing other religions (7% of the population). Mie F