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Durmuş Kadir Church

Durmuş Kadir Church is a majestic basilica cave church near Göreme. This sixth-century church has a rock pulpit and some of the most elegant carved architecture in Cappadocia.

The church is located on the southwestern edge of Göreme, two roads past Flintstones Cave Hotel. The church is located here on Google Maps (though mislabeled as Yusuf Koç Church). The church is fenced but the gate is usually open. You may encounter some Turkish newly-weds taking wedding pictures in this majestic church space.

The large narthex (entrance room) measures 10 meters by 4 meters – larger than many Cappadocian cave churches. The high barrel-vault ceiling springs from a low triple-lipped cornice (molding). Entrance into the church nave is obtained through the recessed arch. Rainwater has caused extensive water damage on the ceiling, along the lower walls, and in both burial chambers.