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Flor da Rosa

Flor da Rosa was a Portuguese parish in the municipality of Crato, with 9.91 km² of area and 263 inhabitants (2011). Density: 26.5 inhabitants / km².

It was extinguished in 2013, within the scope of a national administrative reform, having been added to the parishes of Crato and Mártires and Vale do Peso, to form a new parish called Union of the Parishes of Crato and Mártires, Flor da Rosa and Vale do Peso.

There are those who attribute Flor da Rosa and his monastery the birthplace of the Holy Condestable, D. Nuno Álvares Pereira, due to his father, D. Álvaro Gonçalves Pereira, residing there when Prior do Crato, and a statue was erected in that location in honor of the Holy Constable.

Village with great tradition in making clay pieces, has 14 pieces certified as Flor da Rosa pieces and a pottery school is still in operation.

Very rich in architectural heritage, it has, besides the Monastery of Santa Maria de Flor da Rosa, two fountains from the 15th century and two baroque manor houses (one of them adapted to the establishment of Rural Tourism).

Also noteworthy are the houses of popular architecture, sunny houses, in the Baroque style, and the Church.