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Church of Saint Simeon Stylites

The Church of Saint Simeon Stylites (Arabic: كنيسة مار سمعان العمودي‎, romanized: Kanīsat Mār Simʿān el-ʿAmūdī) is a building that can be traced back to the 5th century, located approximately 30 kilometres (19 mi) northwestern part of Aleppo, Syria.

It is one of the oldest surviving church complexes. It was constructed on the site of the pillar of Saint Simeon Stylites, a renowned recluse monk. The church is popularly known as either Qalaat Semaan (قلعة سمعان‎, Qalʿat Simʿān, the 'Fortress of Simeon') or Deir Semaan (دير سمعان‎, Dayr Simʿān, the 'Monastery of Simeon').

In May 2016 the Russian Air Force attacked the church, destroying the remains of the pillar of St Simeon and damaging the rest of the ruins.

Source: Church of Saint Simeon Stylites - Wikipedia