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Apamea Museum

The museum is located in the town of Qalaat al-Madiq, in the northwestern part of Hama governorate. It is around 65 km away from the governorate center. It contains many artifacts and mosaic paintings discovered in Apamea and its vicinity, dating back to different eras, most notably the Roman and Hellenistic.

The great mosaic, now in the Cinquantenaire Museum, Brussels, was discovered in 1935 in the reception room of what was probably the palace of the Roman governor of the province of Syria Secunda. Its area is 120 m².

The great mosaic dates from 415–420 AD and is amongst the most prestigious of this type of composition. It is comparable technically and thematically with mosaics in the Palace of the Byzantine emperors in Constantinople, of the same period.

The archaeological museum of Apamea was exposed to acts of looting by the terrorist groups. The preliminary survey carried out by the Antiquities and Museum Directorate for the damage revealed that Mosaic paintings, artifacts and statues were stolen from the museum.

Source: Apamea, Syria - Wikipedia