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Portalegre Tour

Portalegre District (Portuguese: Distrito de Portalegre) is located in the east of Portugal. The district capital is the city of Portalegre. The district of Portalegre has 15 municipalities Alter do Chão, Arronches, Avis, Campo Maior, Castelo de Vide, Crato, Elvas, Fronteira, Gavião, Marvão, Monforte, Nisa, Ponte de Sor, Portalegre, Sousel, has an area of 6065 km² and has 120 thousand inhabitants. Quinta Castanheiro da Penha Hermitage of Our Lady of Lapa Serra de São Mamede Natural Park Sever Restaurant Roman Villa of Ammaia Flor da Rosa Monastery Flor da Rosa Museum Center Flor da Rosa Monastery of Saint Nuno of Saint Mary Saint Nuno of Saint Mary Castle of Alter do Chão Portalegre Survival Kit Source:  Portalegre District - Wikipedia

Castle of Alter do Chão

The Castle of Alter do Chão, in Alentejo, is located in the parish of Alter do Chão, in the village and municipality of the same name, district of Portalegre, in Portugal. In the historic center of the village, this castle is representative of medieval architecture from the 17th century, when it cooperated with the neighboring Castle of Alter Pedroso in the defense of this region. The castle's current configuration dates back to the reign of Pedro I (r. 1357–1367), which determined its reconstruction on September 22, 1357, according to the marble epigraphic plaque on the main gate. The sovereign reformed the Foral da vila in 1359. Fernando I (r. 1367–1383) donated the domains of the village to Nuno Álvares Pereira, who in turn donated them to Gonçalo Eanes de Abreu. Source:  Castle of Alter do Chão - Wikipedia

Saint Nuno of Saint Mary

D. Nuno Álvares Pereira, O. Carm. (24 June 1360 – 1 November 1431), also spelled Nun'Álvares Pereira, 7th Count of Barcelos, 3rd Count of Ourém and 2nd Count of Arraiolos, was a Portuguese general of great success who had a decisive role in the 1383-1385 Crisis that assured Portugal's independence from Castile. Nuno Álvares Pereira is often referred to as the Saint Constable (Portuguese: Santo Condestável) or as Saint Nuno of Saint Mary (Portuguese: São Nuno de Santa Maria), his religious name. He was beatified by Pope Benedict XV on January 23, 1918. Secondary patron of the Patriarchate of Lisbon, his Memory (Festivity in the Carmelite Order, in the Order of the Barefoot Carmelites and in the Good News Missionary Society) is liturgically marked on the 6th of November. On July 3, 2008, Benedict XVI authorized the enactment of two decrees that recognize a miracle of the Blessed, opening the door to his canonization. On 26 April 2009 he was canonized by His Holiness Pope Bene

Monastery of Saint Nuno of Saint Mary

The Monastery of Saint Nuno of Saint Mary (or, simply, Crato's Carmel) is a monastic cloistered convent of Barefoot Nuns of the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel located in the village of Crato, district of Portalegre, in Portugal. This Carmelite convent was dedicated to Saint Nuno of Saint Mary (Dom Nuno Álvares Pereira), known as "the Holy Condestable". Source:  Carmelo de São Nuno de Santa Maria (Crato) – Wikipédia

Flor da Rosa

Flor da Rosa was a Portuguese parish in the municipality of Crato, with 9.91 km² of area and 263 inhabitants (2011). Density: 26.5 inhabitants / km². It was extinguished in 2013, within the scope of a national administrative reform, having been added to the parishes of Crato and Mártires and Vale do Peso, to form a new parish called Union of the Parishes of Crato and Mártires, Flor da Rosa and Vale do Peso. There are those who attribute Flor da Rosa and his monastery the birthplace of the Holy Condestable, D. Nuno Álvares Pereira, due to his father, D. Álvaro Gonçalves Pereira, residing there when Prior do Crato, and a statue was erected in that location in honor of the Holy Constable. Village with great tradition in making clay pieces, has 14 pieces certified as Flor da Rosa pieces and a pottery school is still in operation. Very rich in architectural heritage, it has, besides the Monastery of Santa Maria de Flor da Rosa, two fountains from the 15th century and two baroque man