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Butler's Parade

The origin of the Butler's Parade (Cortejo do Mordomo) is lost in time. At first it would be a hymn to the abundance symbolized in the oxen that would be slaughtered for Bodo.

«The Oxen of the Holy Spirit» as they were called, paraded before the eyes of the population and were subsequently slaughtered and the meat distributed to the entire population, rich and poor, in memory of a new and fraternal world.

Since 1966, oxen are no longer slaughtered and meat is not distributed to everyone and is now distributed only to needy families. Meat is obtained from butchery owners.

However the tradition remains: the oxen are adorned with necklaces and earrings of flowers parading through the streets of the city to the sound of rockets, pipers and music band. Accompanying are some carriages that transport Butlers and guests and several horsemen.