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Showing posts from July, 2011

Festival of Trays Tour

The Festa dos Tabuleiros (Festival of the Trays) or Festa do Divino Espírito Santo (Feast of the Holy Spirit), takes place every four years in July in Tomar, Portugal. This festival is an ancient tradition and the most important celebrated in the city, attracting people from all over the world. It is held every four years. The local population parades in pairs with the girls carrying tabuleiros on their heads. The tabuleiro is made of 30 stacked pieces of bread, either in 6 rows of 5 or 5 rows of 6, decorated with flowers. At the top of the tabuleiro is a crown which normally contains either a white dove, symbolising the Holy Spirit, or the esfera armilar (armillary sphere), a symbol of the historical Portuguese maritime expansion, and over the sphere, the cross of the Order of Christ. Hotel dos Templários Festival of Trays, The Origin Festival of Trays, The Feast Butler's Parade Ornate Popular Streets Partial Parade Exposition of Trays Coronation of the Holy Sp

Natural Monument Dinosaurs Footprints of Serra de Aire

The Serra de Aire Dinosaur Footprints Natural Monument ( Monumento Natural das Pegadas dos Dinossáurios da Serra de Aire ), better known only as Serra de Aire Footprints ( Pegadas da Serra de Aire ), sometimes also called Ourém / Torres Novas Dinosaurs Footprints Natural Monument ( Monumento Natural das Pegadas de Dinossáurios de Ourém/Torres Novas ), was created in 1996 by Regulatory Decree 12 / 96 of 22 October. As the name implies, it is located in Portugal, in Serra de Aire, near Fátima, in the municipalities of Ourém and Torres Novas, and is an integral part of the Natural Park of Serras de Aire and Candeeiros ( Parque Natural das Serras de Aire e Candeeiros ), occupying an area of about 20 ha. In the place where the dinosaur footprints are today, there was a quarry, the Pedreira do Galinha ; on July 2, 1994, Ricardo Matos da Silva, João Pedro Falcão and João Carvalho, discovered the footprints that would turn the quarry into the current monument. Dating from local rocks indic

Bodo or Pêza

The bodos of the Holy Spirit, (sacred meal), instituted by Queen Santa Isabel who in Tomar, over the years have passed to designate Pêza and is the last act of each Festival of Trays ( Festa dos Tabuleiros ). It happens the day after the Parade of Trays (Monday) and following the tradition (because the Gifts of God - fruits of the land and the flocks - meat, bread and wine - are for everyone), in a way of thanking God, it consists of sharing bread, meat and wine now only with the smallest, the most needy. Source:  Festa dos Tabuleiros 2011

Parade of Crowns

Despite the decision to hold the Festival of Trays being made one year in advance, the ceremonies only begin on Easter Sunday of the following year. The Parade of Crowns is the first solemn act of the Festival of Trays and was formerly intended to announce to the population the next celebration of its biggest festival. In the so-called third cycle of the Festival (after 1950), the Parade leaves Misericórdia faithful depository of the Pendent and Crown of the city of Tomar, goes to the Church of S. João Baptista or Church of Santa Maria do Olival where the Solemn Mass of the Holy Spirit is celebrated in the presence of the Crowns and Pendants that are placed in the chancel. After Mass, the First parade of crowns follows the itinerary of the Parade of Trays. As it is a religious festival there are seven departures of Crowns. 7 is the perfect number for the Catholic Church: 7 days a week; 7th day is the full walk (when God rested); 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit; 7 Easter Sundays at Pente