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Showing posts from January, 2019

Antique Shop in Mandalay

On the road from Sagaing to Mandalay. Antique store entrance with a nat spirit on each side. Large winged dragon. Sculpture with a couple of winged spirits. Kyay instrument. Kyay or brass instruments feature prominently in Burmese music. See more at Music of Myanmar, Kyay instruments - Wikipedia . Kyo instrument. Kyo or string instruments in the Burmese musical repertoire. See more at Music of Myanmar, Kyo instruments - Wikipedia . See also Oxcarts at Mandalay King Galon Gold Leaf Workshop Marble Street i

Sagain Survival Kit

Where to Stay Hotels Map Where to Eat Restaurants Map Where to Go to Bars and Pubs Bars and Pubs Map See also Irrawaddy River Cruise Mingun Zeyar Theingi Nunnery School Location

Zeyar Theingi Nunnery School, Sagaing

This is a special monastery where the young Burmese nuns live and worship. Their simple lives consist of learning, meditation and work. Each girl has complete say on how long she would like to stay. Some do for years, while others just a few weeks. A Burmese girl may also choose a religious life as a nun. A community of women varying in age from young to old live and work together in a nunnery. Nuns prepare their own food, unlike monks. Monks only eat food other people have prepared for them. As is the case for men, nuns may choose to stay in the religious life temporarily or permanently. The nuns chanted for us when we visited them at this nunnery in Mandalay. The youngest nun at this nunnery is eight years old. The oldest nun at this site is 94 and she is the head nun, but we didn’t see her. When she passes on, this nun will take her place as head nun. She has a peaceful, dignified demeanor but also knows how to laugh. It is a friendly and peaceful

Soon Oo Pon Nya Shin Pagoda, Sagaing

Soon Oo Pon Nya Shin is a Buddhist pagoda located in Sagaing, Myanmar. The Soon Oo Pon Nya Shin (also Sun U Ponnyashin Pagoda) Pagoda is located at the top of Nga Hpar (Frog Hill), so named for its shape, though it is often simply called Ponnya Shin hill in honor of its pagoda. Its name is a combination of "U Ponnya", a 14th century minister, and the word "soon", which is a reference to meals. It is popularly believed that whomever attempts to be the first each day to offer a meal in honor of the Buddha will always be upstaged by heavenly deities who have already presented their offerings. The temple was supposedly established in 1312 by Amatkyi U Ponnya, a junior minister in service of King Thihathu (1265-1325), the co-founder of the Myinsaing Kingdom and later, the founder of the Pinya Kingdom which co-existed with the short-lived Sagaing Kingdom in the early-mid 14th century. The centerpiece of the temple is its 29.6 meter high p