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Caravansary of Aruch

The half-destroyed caravansary is preserved on the northern side of the village, on the Ashtarak-Talin highway.

It belongs to the three-nave caravansari type with one hall, that were built in Armenia in XIII-XIV cc. The six-pillared hall (15,0x26,5 m) was divided into central (6,0 m) and side (3,6 m) naves and were covered with 3 cylindrical parallel arches. As can be seen from the remainders of northern wall, the wide walls from the inside had pillars. The bearings took their role and the arched bays leaned on them. For the vaulted arches of middle nave similar bearings were connected to the longitudinal arches, a little above the pylons.

The caravansary’s outward architectural was solved with safe inaccessibility, as the caravans that settled down here, were attacked and robbed. The outward walls were windowless, the corners and the center were built half-rounded in a pyramids scheme, which gave the erection a tower’s appearance. The only entrance was probably from the south, and the top roofing of the dome lightened the hall. Only the western corner of the caravansaries cover was preserved, and was repaired in 1960.