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Fort Julien

Fort Julien (or, in some sources, Fort Jullien), also known as the Fort of Qaitbey (Arabic: قلعة قايتباي) is a fort located on the left or west bank of the Nile about 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) north-west of Rashid (Rosetta) on the north coast of Egypt. It was originally built by the Ottoman Empire and occupied by the French during Napoleon Bonaparte's campaign in Egypt and Syria between 1798 and 1801. The fort became famous as the place where the Rosetta Stone was found in 1799.

The French took possession of the dilapidated fort on 19 July 1799, only a few days before the Battle of Abukir, and embarked on a hasty rebuilding. It was subsequently reconstructed in a more thoroughgoing fashion and was renamed Fort Julien after Thomas Prosper Jullien. One of Napoleon's aides-de-camp, Lieutenant Pierre-François Bouchard, uncovered the famous Rosetta Stone at the fort while repairing its defences. Qait Bey's engineers had apparently brought it to the site from elsewhere, possibly a temple at nearby Sais, to use as fill. Two years later, the fort was captured by a combined British and Turkish force after a short siege and bombardment.

An identical copy of the Rosetta Stone 

Source: Fort Julien - Wikipedia